Tourism Law is a field of law that regulates the legal issues faced by businesses and individuals in the tourism sector. As Kırıcı Law and Consultancy, we have been the attorneys at law of many hotels for years, and we continue to ensure legal services. Tourism Law offers various services to its clients with an extensive range of expertise and experience in the field. By Kırıcı Law and Consultancy, it is obtained necesities of legal review and process follow-up regarding the potential investments of domestic and foreign tourism investors, preparation and revision of all kinds of contracts and general transaction conditions and approval texts to be signed with local and international travel agencies, hotels, tourism enterprises and hotel customers, and providing consultancy services for clients to fulfill their obligations arising from the legislation.

We provide legal consultancy services in the fields of negotiation and/or litigation of disputes on issues such as compensation for unjust occupation that hotels and/or tourism enterprises may encounter, the execution of all kinds of processes in individual accidents and injuries that may occur to the customers of hotels or tourism enterprises, and the representation of our clients before the Ministry of Tourism. Kırıcı Law and Consultancy provides all kinds of legal support to its clients operating in the tourism and travel sector with the experience it has gained as a result of the long-term legal consultancy services it has provided to hotels operating in the international arena. 10. Insurance law is a special branch of law within the scope of commercial law that examines the contracts in which the insurer is obliged to compensate for the risk, to pay money, or to make other performances in the event of the occurrence of a danger that damages a person’s right or interest measurable in money in return for a specified premium, and the rights and obligations arising from these contracts. In this context, as Kırıcı Law and Consultancy, we try to prevent the disadvantageous position of the injured persons against the insurance companies. We stand by our clients with the experience we have gained so far in loss-of-value applications and compensation cases.